Foreign Sounds Not Found in Arabic

English sounds with no correspondence in Arabic

Most English letters have an Arabic equivalent, as you might have noticed from how we pronounce the Arabic letters.
A few, however, don’t have corresponding Arabic sounds. Therefore, we represent these sounds by modifying a few letters. we usually meet them when we transliterate foreign words that have adopted those scripts and it’s often achieved by adding diacritical points.

V Sounds in Arabic
G Sounds in Arabic
P Sounds in Arabic

The most common ones are:
– which we use for the “v” sound,
– which we use for “g” sound, and
– which we use for the “p” Sound.

Extra Sounds Not Found in Arabic

HERE IS THE CATCH: Just because these additional Arabic letters are out there, that doesn’t mean everybody is using them. For instance, the same words we’ve seen above could be (and most often will be) written and pronounced differently from the English ones.

See the table below, we have the same examples as above, but this time, we write them using genuine Arabic alphabets (One of these 28 Arabic letters). This is a very common practice in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).

Extra Sounds Not Found in Arabic

Note: There are so many other variations of Arabic letters with diacritical points. These are more common in Farsi, Kurdish, Urdu, etc… But the ones I mentioned above should do the trick when it comes to the Arabic language.

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